Tag Archives: TDD

Unit testing SQL Server

Finally had an Ahha! moment today with the implementing of SQL Server unit tests to start off the next change… Continue reading

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Filed under TDD

What’s in a test?

I had a interesting discussion with a colleague today about “unit” tests vs. “integration” tests.

For this team, we have TDD at the core so it got me thinking, why do we have the distinction.  What led me to this thought was that I needed to write a so-called integration test to prove that it could be created from our dependency injection container and another suite of tests around testing calling dependencies and such like – unit tests.

The problem came when I went to run the tests, for a brief moment, I couldn’t find the integration test I had just written.  Why was is separate to the others?  Surely we just need “tests”, or perhaps “tddtests” for a clear distinction and run the entire fixture every time..

It turns out that many of the tests in the integration test project are very slow.  As a consequence, they don’t get run as often as they should.  Aha – another problem  with this setup.   My colleague was telling me that unit tests are there because they use Mocking.  Well, so do some of the integration tests.  I also heard that integration tests aren’t true integration tests if they use mocking.  This is a moot point.  I think they are because it depends on what your trying to develop at the time (remember, we’re doing TDD here).

All this aside, of course we need complete integration tests.  But this is more after the fact and they usually are slow, e\specially all of the setup and tear down of data, not to mention the interaction with the other systems.  Perhaps another tool is better (e.g. Postman for the API calls, but there is no chance of the integration tests going away some, it is a case of natural attrition…

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October 19, 2015 · 10:43 am

Don’t be tempted to break away from your TDD principles…

OK, you know how it is.  A story comes up to do a similar thing as code that’s in the system currently.  You know there’s high risk around altering this piece of code so you say [in a very knee-jerk way] “oh, we could just cut-n-paste the old code…only two (story) points.  Done…”   ….Big mistake.

You then open up the original code and GOOD GRIEF, what was the programmer doing, aside from anything than writing production code.  You know it works, but can you bear to propagate this around.   As it turns out, I can’t.  Let me give you the context.

The original code has to interface with the accounting system, which btw, is about to change.  The old code is a Quartz.Net CRON job, generally run from a windows service application.  Your brief is that the two jobs will need to exist in tandem for a short time, oh and also, eventually you’ll not be needing to do this in the future as they will develop a process to replace yours (yeah, right)…

You’re running a team that has TDD as it’s core.  What do you do, where do you start (after you’ve said that infamous line above).  First thing, [mandatory] do a quick U-turn to the product owner and the scrum master (in front of the team).  Of course the (default) reason is that “it’s not testable” – which of course it isn’t.  There is an “integration test” around the old job but this is almost irrelevant because it’s so complicated you can’t work out what’s being tested.

OK, this is how I approached it:

  1. Write an test to test the new job class via the only entry point.  In this case its signature is
    public void Execute (IJobContext jobContext);
  2. Write the actual class that implements this, copy and pasting the original code in and creating the assembly from the dependency container.  Your code should now compile.
  3. OK, a CRON job is a CRON job.  It should be delegating most of the work to another class otherwise you’ll be violating SRP.  Create a new unit test to prove that you are calling this new class using sensible entry points using mocks.
  4. Write the new class to implement the mocked interface (for simplicity we’ll call this IJobWorker).  Pull code out from the job and put it in to this new class.  Your code should again compile at this point.  Once you are green again, move on
  5. OK, scan the pulled out code code for any dependencies from JobWorker.  These will typically manifest by the use of the “new” keyword.  These are your dependencies.
  6. Write a set of tests where you mock in the identified dependencies.
  7. Write the code to accept these dependencies (in our case we use Property injection.  Your code should now compile.
  8. Write a set of tests that call the required dependencies under each condition.  Don’t forget to write the negative tests in this case too.  Moq is fantastic for this using the “Times” class and the “It” class.  It.Is<T>() is particularly useful here too.
  9. Write the code to implement these calls.  Rinse and repeat until your completely happy
  10. Compare to the original code.  What have you missed?
  11. Inject in some logging statements.  You know this is critical, you will be thanked many time over when you can show good logging to support what happened.

OK, some final rules of engagement.

  1. As tempting as it is, the old job should not be touched.  You know that this code will disappear as soon as the accounting system is replaced.  AND, it is a critical piece of functionality.
  2. You need to end-to-end test this.  As much as I hate wring them, a full integration test(s) is mandatory here.  As we can trigger this through the API, saving writing integration tests in POSTMAN is something the testers can understand and build upon.  Just make sure all of the inputs can be passed in via the job context (for each environment).
  3. You go through a formal code review (this is part of our SOP in any case).  In this review, the reviewer is also looking for instances where the functionality may break or the tests haven’t covered off the scenarios.
  4. Revisit this code right through each environment.  Amazing how you think of something when it’s at the back of your mind.  If anything should change, write the test first!

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October 18, 2015 · 8:25 am